Looking for participants in Western Massachusetts

Decreasing Risk of Falls via Computer Vision & AI Driven Functional Assessments

[Image of Study Flyer 1] 


Individuals with and without dementia are needed for a study that seeks to understand how technology can be used to assess fall risk.

You may qualify if you are 65 yrs or over

Participants will receive financial compensation

Study will be conducted at UMass Amherst 

Interested in learning more?

Call 413 577 4583 

Email ch2p-studies@umass.edu

Scan this with your smartphone! 

To to the right of the "scan this" there is an arrow pointing to a QR code.

An academic-industrial partnership for AI-based sleep staging in the elderly using an EEG headband and a smartwatch

[Image of Study Flyer 2]  

Participate in Sleep Research at UMass

We are examining novel sleep monitoring devices to explore the
connection between sleep and cognition

The study involves 7 consecutive days of wearing a novel EEG device on your forehead, and a smartwatch on your wrist. On Day 1 of the study, researchers will also apply research-grade polysomnography, which involves wires and sensors being applied to your face, scalp, and body.

Eligible participants will be:
65-90 years old and free of any neurological or sleep disorders

For more information, please contact: sleeplab@umass.edu

Images of older adult sleeping peacefully and of UMass Amherst logo.

Portable Sleep Monitoring in Older Adults with AD/ADRD and Common Chronic Conditions

[Image of Study Flyer 3] 

Participate in Research aimed at improving the lives of those with
Alzheimer's disease

We need older adult participants

The study consists of one week of using commercial sleep tracking devices at your home, and one night wearing clinical-grade sleep monitoring equipment, which includes a montage of portable sensors on your scalp and face, applied by study staff. You will be compensated with a $175 Amazon gift card for your time on completion of the study.

Eligibility Requirements
Be 55+ years old
Free of any psychiatric, sleep, or
(non-Alzheimer's, dementia, or mild cognitive impairment related)
neurological disorders 

For more information,
call/email 413-545-3849

Images at top of SOMNEUROLAB and UMass Amherst Logo. QR code located at bottom right.

Preventing falls before they occur: validating a wearable sensor for Orthostatic Vital Signs

[Image of Study Flyer 4] 


Do you frequently get dizzy when you stand up? We are evaluating how a new wearable technology can be used to assess fall risk.

You may qualify if you are 60 yrs or over

Participants will receive financial compensation

Study will be conducted at UMass Amherst 

Interested in learning more?

Call 413 577 4583 

Email ch2p-studies@umass.edu

Scan this with your smartphone! 

To to the right of the "scan this" there is an arrow pointing to a QR code. 

At the bottom of the flyer there are logos of UMass Amherst, MassAITC, and the Institute for Applied Life Sciences.

Looking for participants nation wide (Fully Remote)

[Image of Study Flyer 5] 

Help Shape the Future of Oral Care for People with Early Dementia or Alzheimer's Disease.

Are you living with early dementia or Alzheimer's disease, or do you care for a loved one who is? We invite you to participate in a research study to help us create an innovative AI system that provides personalized oral self-care coaching. Your experiences and feedback will be invaluable in shaping this technology to support daily oral care needs. 

You May Be Eligible to Participate If You:
- Are an older adult (age 65+) living with early dementia or Alzheimer’s disease
- Have a care partner (family member or paid caregiver) who assists you with daily activities
- Own a mobile phone (iPhone or Android).
- Are willing to share your experiences and thoughts on brushing routines and the challenges you face.
- Are open to trying an electric toothbrush and app at home for 4-6 weeks

What Your
Participation Involves 
- Engaging in 4 online group discussions (60-90 minutes each) along with your care partner.
- Testing an electric toothbrush at home for 4-6 weeks
- Sharing your experiences and feedback. 

You will receive reimbursement for your time and expenses related to study participation.

This research is approved by the UCLA Institutional Review Board (IRB#24-000505)

Interested in participating?
Contact the Research Team
Jenin Alcaraz BS.
(323) 716-3327
Email: jeninalcaraz@dentistry.ucla.edu

Principal Investigator of Study: Dr. Vivek Shetty: 310-228-0471