Validating a Remote Sensor for Continuous Health Monitoring of Older Adults to Support Aging in Place and AD/ADRD Care Management

Ryan Gooch, TellUs You Care. Rebecca Spencer, UMass Amherst. This study will test Tellus's machine learning algorithms for tracking physiological and behavioral status using data from Tellus' radar device.

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Validating the Apple Watch for Passive Monitoring of Agitation in Patients with Dementia

James Mastrianni, The University of Chicago. Josh Kim, Adiona Health. This project seeks to validate a novel machine learning technique that analyzes motion data from an accelerometer in an Apple Watch to identify the onset of an agitation episode in a person with ADRD.

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Webinar – Healthy Aging in a Digital World: Promoting Caregiver Health and Well-being, Heather M. Young   Speaker: Heather M. Young, PhD, RN, FAAN Professor, Betty Irene Moore School of Nursing Founding Dean Emerita National Director, Betty Irene Moore Fellowship for Nurse Leaders and Innovators UC Davis Health Abstract:  Over 38 million family caregivers provide the vast majority of long-term care in the United States, valued at over $600 billion annually. Most of these caregivers are supporting a person with mild cognitive impairment or Alzheimer’s Disease or Related Disorders. This presentation will provide an overview of who are the caregivers and how health systems and technology can support them as they engage in this vital role.

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Application of Sentiment Analysis and Generative Language Algorithms to Kinto, a Support Service for Family Caregivers of Persons Living with ADRD

Joseph Chung, Kinto. This project will apply sentiment analysis and large language models to text data from a variety of sources including messaging between coaches and caregivers as well as peer-to-peer support groups.

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