Webinar (2/25: 4pm ET) – Progress in Personalizing Content and Dosing of a Physical Activity Promotion Intervention, David E. Conroy
Zoom registration: https://umass-amherst.zoom.us/meeting/register/TSc-pvBITHmZDq8fj_TfZA About the Speaker: Dr. Conroy is a Professor and the Bickner Chair in Kinesiology at the University of Michigan where he directs the new Roybal Center for Promoting Adherence to Behavior Change & Enhancing Cognitive Function. His research aims to help people do the ordinary behaviors that have an extraordinary impact on their health and wellbeing. Current projects focus on digitally-mediated interventions to promote fluid intake among patients with a history of kidney stones and physical activity among insufficiently-active young adults. His work is funded by the NIH, NSF, and PCORI. He is a past president of the Society of Behavioral Medicine and an emeritus professor at Penn State University. Lab website: https://motivation.kines.umich.edu/ Talk Abstract: The Michigan Roybal Center aims to develop physical activity interventions for middle-age and older adults that engage validated…